Krishnan ViswanathSimple AWS Cost Reduction TechniqueOne of the major benefit of AWS is the ability to rapidly buildout infrastructure with simple scripts (clouldformation, python etc); what…May 26, 20211May 26, 20211
Krishnan ViswanathSlack Messaging from AWS ServerlessThe idea of this simple utility is ties a Slack commnad to AWS Serverless. This narrow scoped example integrates Slack and AWS Serverless…Mar 22, 2020Mar 22, 2020
Krishnan ViswanathAWS Transit GatewayHere at Hyla we recently explored the use of AWS Transit Gateway to further simplify our infra architecture. Currently we employ muliple…Mar 22, 2020Mar 22, 2020
Krishnan ViswanathAutomating basic JIRA reporting using Go and AWSOne of the responsibility of being a manager in a flat organization with high degree of delivery responsibility is to keep a close eye on…Mar 21, 2020Mar 21, 2020